Thursday, May 19, 2016

What Will I Learn in an Occupational First Aid Course?

osha courses in islamabad
osha courses in islamabad

If you live and work in the UAE KSA or Pakistan, you may be aware that there are a number of regulations that apply to workplaces regarding the osha courses in islamabad of staff in occupational first aid. The Health and Safety Authority has undertaken the task of enforcing occupational safety law and promoting safer working environments.
Depending on your business, you may or may not require a certain number of trained first aiders to be present among your staff at any one time from osha courses in islamabad. Several factors are taken into account when determining the amount of first aiders required. This includes the degree of hazard in the workplace, the size and location of the premises and the distance and duration from external medical services.
To give an example, factories and construction sites with up to 49 employees working at any one time many need 1 person trained in occupational first aid if a risk assessment deems it necessary. For a workforce of 300 or more, the employer must ensure at least 2 first aiders and 1 extra for each additional 150 staff members.
For workplaces that have risks of poisoning from toxic substances, sustaining burns from corrosive substances and accidental exposure to hazardous gases, it is clear why training in occupational first aid can protect the health of employees and potentially save lives.
As required by law, employers can choose to provide occupational first aid training to their members of staff either in-house or at numerous locations around the country. During the training period, certain specific areas are covered to ensure that participants are able to deal with a number of different incidents.
Participants on an occupational first aid course can first expect to cover what it means to be a first aider in the workplace, including the role they are expected to play. This includes learning the importance of preventing cross infection, how to record incidents and actions and making use of equipment available.
The next item on the agenda of an occupational first aid course is being able to assess a situation in order to be able to deliver an appropriate response. Being able to judge an incident effectively is key to acting promptly, safely and efficiently, and training will teach you how to do just that.
A first aid course will cover a number of techniques to use in medical emergencies. Perhaps the most well-known one is that of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). During the training period, participants will be given ample hands-on practice of performing CPR on a manikin.
Trainees on an occupational first aid course are also taught how to deal with a casualty who has fallen unconscious, including cases of seizure. Many training companies will provide detailed DVD instruction on this kind of situation as well as activities allowing participants to put what they have learned into practice.
Other areas that are covered include how to administer first aid to a casualty who is choking, how to treat wounds and bleeding and provide appropriate first aid for injuries including minor burns and scalds. This is often sufficient training for those who work in low-hazard environments.
For participants working in industries that pose a greater hazard to health, such as certain factories, chemical plants and mining, some levels of occupational first aid course will train workers on dealing with more severe burns and scalds, exposure to chemicals and electric shock.
An occupational first aid training course can also be expected to cover dealing with people who have experienced psychological shock as a result of an incident in the workplace. This is necessary for not only the person who is suffering an injury, but also those who are struggling to cope with witnessing an incident.
osha courses in rawalpindi in occupational first aid can be expected to cover a wide range of incidents that can occur in any workplace. Methods and techniques learned as a participant on one of these programs play an important part in ensuring the health and safety of employees until external medical services can provide their assistance.

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