Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Fall Protection in the Workplace - Ladder Safety

osha courses in islamabad

Every year 11,000 people are killed and 200,000 are injured by falls. Falls are the third leading cause of work-related injures. Because of these startling statistics, OSHA has mandated osha courses in islamabad for anyone who works off the ground. Ladders are a big part of fall prevention and the proper safety steps when working with ladders are imperative to a safe workplace.
First of all, when working off the ground in any capacity you need the right mindset. Always think about safety and the safest way to accomplish the task at hand. Don't just jump on the ladder and go. Every time you use a ladder you need to inspect it. Make sure the base of the ladder is balanced and secure and then inspect the rungs for debris or liquid. If you are doing a high climb it never hurts to have another person help balance the ladder - always error on the side of caution. Also, make sure to scan the work area for potential hazards. Never use a ladder if you are overly tired, injured or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you have any reservations about the climb - don't do it and more knowledge and training on ladder safety is explained in osha courses in islamabad
When you climb a ladder make sure that you make a three point climb. Always face the front of the ladder. Never climb backwards or sideways! Keep your hands on the side rails. Climbing a ladder may be "old-hat" for you but you never know the moment when you will catch your toe and if your hands aren't on the side rails, it will be nearly impossible to catch yourself. Lastly, keep you weight centered between the rails and walk one rung at a time. Climbing a ladder is all about balance and in addition ladders are designed for the three point climb.
When climbing down a ladder the same three point climb applies. Balance is even more important on the decent. Make sure that you climb down one rung at a time and make sure that your foot is securely on the rung before moving the other foot. Visibility is more difficult on the way down and you may be carrying something that you weren't on the way up.
Don't be one of the deaths or disabilities that result from workplace falls every year. Follow simple safety procedures explained in osha courses in rawalpindi when working on ladders and never take an unnecessary risk. You might save a second or two, but if you are injured for life that second will seem foolish. Be safe!

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